Worldview Quiz
Here is a projected Worldview of Well-known Figures:

. . . the variety of actual worldviews cannot be expressed
on a 2-dimensional scale, so the quiz is meant as a
thought-provoking and fun exercise.
Here is what the results are meant to convey:
Science vs. non-science: The position on the vertical
axis represents consistency with science,
as opposed to non-science (superstition/supernatural).
The range of values along this axis is from 10 (most scientific)
to -10 (most superstitious).
Value of humankind: The position on the horizontal axis
indicates the value placed on humankind and its descendants.
A high rating means the worldview places a high value on
evolution and progress for humankind and its descendants,
in the natural world. Positive ratings are plotted on the
right, with a maximum value of 10. Ratings near the middle
of the horizontal axis correspond to a desire to keep human
civilization as it is. Ratings on the left are negative and
correspond to the extermination of the human lineage in the
natural world, usually in a divine Armageddon that is seen
as just and necessary, followed by an after-life.
My results: (I was unable to copy my grid.)
Your rating on science vs. non-science: 0
Your rating on progress for humankind: 7
Your position on the worldview spectrum: (7,0)
According to projected views above, my worldview is identical to that
of Bill Clinton.
Not bad company.
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