Saturday, November 18, 2006

Another Quiz

You know I can't resist these quizzes:

What's Your Literary Personality

Here's my results:

You scored as A classic novel. Almost everyone showers praise upon you for your depth and enduring relevance. According to your acolytes, everything you say is timeless, erudite and meaningful. Of course, none of them actually listen to you. Nobody listens to you at all, but it's fashionable to claim you as a friend. Fond of obscure words, antiquated notions and libraries, you never have a problem finding someone to hang out with. The fact that they end up using you to balance their kitchen tables is an unfortunate side effect, but you're used to being used for others' benefit. Oh the burden of being Great.

A classic novel


A paperback romance novel


A college textbook


An electronics user's manual


The back of a froot loops box




A coloring book


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