Friday, November 13, 2020

Yet Another Theory

I've been thinking… [oh-oh]

This has been a bad year. Well, that's an understatement.  I won't do details, we all know where we are.

So, this theory is that it's all in the numbers.

This is a "4" year. Most East Asian cultures [Chinese, Japanese, Korean...] believe this number is unlucky. Apparently the way they pronounce "4" is close or identical to the pronunciation of "death."

This tetraphobia is so common in China that most elevators will not include the number, nor will license plates, house numbers, phone numbers, and many other official and unofficial items.

We can't really compare such a reaction to the Western belief that "13" is an unlucky number. Although I did once work in a building on the 14th floor, then realized I was actually on the 13th floor BECAUSE the elevator did not show the number 13!

Now I don't know if I should worry or wonder – I was born in a "4" year! Has this number dictated my life? Should I be glad that I stand outside of these Asian cultures?

I turned to Western numerology, where the number 4 is considered a friendly, life affirming number, a much nicer belief, but one that doesn't quite match up to this 4 year.

Now we look forward to the year 2021, a "5" year. From what I could find, it stands for stability, curiosity, freedom, change... A better year on the horizon!

And I need to finish this now and publish it while it still is Friday the 13th!

Am I a superstitious fool? Well, coming from a family who for many years believed strongly in numerology, numbers intrigue me. Do I believe in this? That's a question for the ages.


Sunday, November 08, 2020

Goodbye, Alex

 RIP Alex Trebek

July 22, 1940 – November 8, 2020)

Miss you already!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Musical interlude

Discovered on the Internet:

Remember Mama Mia by ABBA?
Here's a timely take on the song by a group of New Zealand singers, The Starlets:

And although I don't like to get political, this is another timely song,

A great rendition of Lean On Me by many terrific Canadians!


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mother Earth Speaks

Okay, listen up Earth People.

Stop blaming one country or another for this latest disaster.

Seven billion of you. Yeah, I feel you stomping, running, tapping, pounding, drilling, hacking, blasting… Seeking what? My heart? My soul? No.

It's all about greed. The shiny stuff: gold, silver, diamonds, emeralds, precious metals and precious stones. And of course, Oil.

I'm so tired of it all.

And when Mother Earth gets weary, she gives back as good as she gets.

Why do you think there are Volcanoes? Earthquakes? Oil spills? Cave-ins?

[Don't ask me about hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, droughts, floods, heat waves – talk to Mother Nature about those. She has a completely different agenda.]

See what I'm getting at? I have so many people-created drill holes and mine shafts it's a wonder I don't collapse like a punctured balloon.

How many toxic dumps have been created for the excess waste?

How many once pristine lakes and rivers have been fouled?

How many people can light candles whenever they turn on a faucet?

How much plastic has entered my ocean to be ingested by sea creatures and ultimately by you people? One day you're going to bleed plastic.

How about that air? You think it was always polluted and brown?

Think about it. How many cities are seeing a clear sky for the first time in years? How many urban rivers are enjoying a resurgence of fish and other river dwellers. Some rarely seen birds have returned to the cities.

I hear more bees and butterflies have been sighted, when both have been severely depleted these last few years. And what's this about wild animals reclaiming their turf? It's about time isn't it?

Maybe these animals, birds, insects etc. are all laughing, or at least smiling because so many Earth People are in a lockup situation, not unlike the zoos, cages, and aquariums that confined them for centuries.

So, all right, Mother Earth and Mother Nature are finally taking a breath. Or two. And sharing a chuckle. After all, isn't it true that those greedy oil producers are now paying out money [instead of raking it in] to get rid of their surplus "black gold"?

Isn't it ironic?

 Someone speculated that a tablespoonful of tainted cosmic dust from a galaxy
far, far away swirled through space and spilled onto the earth, scattering Corona particles like a fine mist. Earthlings, having no immunity, picked up, or breathed in these particles and ran with them. Or I should say flew all over the world, scattering them to friends and enemies alike.



Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Video discovery

I came across this video, "The Evolution of Dance." Great music and great dancing. Almost like the story of my life.

-- Cat